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THEY ARE POPULAR IF YOU ARE THREE YEARS OR IF YOU ARE MY SISTER SHE IS OBSESSED WITH THE FAT-HEADED THINGS.You are wrong. Monster Highs are stupid. I HATE THEM! Littlest Pet Shop are better. Since when are Littlest Pet Shops "fat heads". TEENAGERS PLAY WITH THEM! I AM OBSESSED WITH THEM AND ALL MY FRIENDS ARE! AND MY FRIENDS ARE ALL ATLEAST 6! P.S: The writing on the top is NOT what I think. What is up there is WRONG! COMPLETLY WRONG! I WISH THAT WRITING UP THERE WAS ABOUT Monster High! Please listen to what's down here. NOT THE LIES THAT ARE UP THERE! THOSE WORDS UP THERE ARE........ LIES!!!!!!! If you belive what is up there above my answer, then you are an idiot, or didn't even look at what was writen up there. You are also an idiot if you think that Monster High is any better than lps. PLEEZ LISTEN TO ME! All of my friend and me like to make the Monster High's evil and make them fart. BAD FART!
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Q: Are littlest pet shop still popular?
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Are littlest pet shop the popalor toy?

They used to be popular, but not anymore.

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What is the first littlest pet shop?

If you mean the first Littlest Pet Shop pet made, the answer is the tan Chihuahua, pet #1.

What is the target audience for littlest pet shop?

The target audience for Littlest Pet Shop toys and related products is primarily children between the ages of 5 to 12 years old. These toys are designed to appeal to kids who enjoy collecting small, cute animal figurines and engaging in imaginative play scenarios. The brand also includes animated television shows and online content aimed at entertaining and engaging this demographic.

How do you get to littlest pet shop?

You have to get a littlest pet shop toy and get a password off of that toy

Which is the best littlest pet shop game?

the littlest pet shop wii game of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is LPS Called Littlest Pet Shop?

because it is short for Littlest Pet Shop, i think

Is there going be a littlest pet shop mammoth?

Yes in fact there is going to be a littlest pet shop mammoth.

What is the secret code for Littlest Pet Shop VIP ferret?

there is no littlest pet shop vip that is a ferret

Does the new dollar general have littlest pet shop?

yes dollar general has littlest pet shop

What was the first littlest pet shop ever?

The first littlest pet shop was a chiuhaha with a pink collar.

Is there such a thing as a littlest pet shop gerbil?

Yes there is such thing as a littlest pet shop gerbil. I have two of them.