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Yes, although the current company known as High Standard is not the original High Standard Manufacturing Company, which folded in 1984. But it's the same pistols being manufactured currently, although there may be some cosmetic variances.

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Q: Are high standard 22 pistols still being made?
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No way to know without trying.

Many years were High Standard target pistols manufactured in Hamden CT?

@ 30 yrs

Is a stainless high standard super citation pistol rare serial number SH 19023 . 22 cal?

The High Standard model is a Supermatic citation- none of my references show them as being made in stainless steel. There are High Standard pistols made swith an Electroless Nickel finish. Not extremely common nor extremely rare.

Is there a slide lock on 1970's high standard 22 automatic?

Hi-Standard made multiple models of pistols. Some had slide locks.

How much is my Hi-Standard 22 caliber auto loading pistol worth?

Depends on model (and there are DOZENS of models of High Standard pistols) and the condition.

How many high standard 22 cal double action pistols built?

Blue Book of Gun Values

What year was the w-101 double nine 22 cal high standard made?

Need serial number to answer. All High Standard pistols followed a continuous serial number sequence.

Show list of all high standard firearms co. .22 cal. pistols?

Jim Spacek has a book out that should fit the bill.

Where are high standard pistols manufactured?

The original company was based in Hamden, Connecticut. The company which currently bears the name is based in Houston, Texas.

What is value of high standard 22 caliber pistol 9 shot?

There are more than a dozen DIFFERENT High Standard .22 pistols (and a coupe of revolvers). Some have a fairly high colelctor's value. Without a complete description (make model and condition) we really can't guess.

Looking for information on a high standard field king 22 lr semi-auto s 384951?

James Spacek wrote a book called "Hi-Standard Pistols & Revolvers 1951-1984" that will have information.

When was high standard longhorn serial number 864973 made?

1957 is a best estimate. Serial number data is still being gathered by collectors.