There are more than a dozen DIFFERENT High Standard .22 pistols (and a coupe of revolvers). Some have a fairly high colelctor's value. Without a complete description (make model and condition) we really can't guess.
25-125 USD or so
ABOUT $150, depending on condition.
Between 50-350 dollars,depending on the overall condition,and a good bore.
$50-$90. These are not high quality, high value firearms.
Depends on model (and there are DOZENS of models of High Standard pistols) and the condition.
60-130 USD
50-125 or so
Impossible to tell without a picture, serial number, caliber, barrel length, and type of action. Or look for the model:D
About 25% less than the corresponding High Standard model. So... from $150-$300 depending on condition. We are always interested buyers.
Depending on condition and which version, about $200-$350