i think so it brings character to a face the girl from glee has a huge nose and i think shes one of the hottest on tv
well I think that guys with big noses aree wayyyy more attractive than guys with small noses..no offence to those guys..but that's just my oppinion..and I know lots of girls that see it like that..I mean.. look at some of the men in movies.. I think big noses on guys are HOT!! ;))
Yes, theirs a girl at my school who has a big nose and i think she is pritty cute
Not all Jews have big noses. It's just a stereotype that they do. Some have big noses, some have small. It all depends on genetics. People who aren't Jewsih may still have big noses. I don't think there is actual proof that Jews have on average bigger noses than non-Jews.
it dappends on how much you like her and care about her, if you like her the way she looks then its actractive to you, yes many girls with big noses are cute and acttractive.
yes polish people do have bi noses
Yes sometimes.
It's not unusual but most guys like small noses.
Its an opinion.That cannot be answered. white girls= typical girl but has big ass blonde girls = sexy hot american girls = cute yet smart
Be cause they have big fingers.
Genes, etc. Like Afghans, Arabs, Jews have big noses too.
depends depends what?