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depends depends what?

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Q: Do hot fit guys like big girls?
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Do girls like guys that do track?

If you like fit and healthy guys yes. Girls like different things in men, for example a girl can like the appearance of a guy. Some girls just like the personality of a guy. It's all on personal preference.

Why do girls make up guys?

Girls make up guys so they can fit in with the 'popular' girls or to make other guys jellous.

Do skinny girls like fat boys?

It really depends on the girl man, some girls are stuck up and only like "fit" guys.

Why is being skinny the only way to get a boyfriend or guys to even speak to you?

Because we like fit or skinny girls

What girls like about guys?

Funny guys make you fall in love with them with out you even knowing (;

Why do girls like hard core guys?

Its not science or any thing its just that when a man is more fit in a way the girls hormones go crazy and then they desire the man.

Why do girls like cool guys?

Girls like cool guys because they want to fit in with everyone. They want, what everyone else wants before they get it. So by them all wanting the best they all fall in "love" for the same guy repeatedly. I'm a girl and it's true.

Do guys like fit girls?

Yes, im a guy and i wouldnt go out with a very fat girl. But if your not too overweight then you should be fine

Anus size how big can it open?

there is not a normal anus size. really it depends how wide your hips are and how fat you are. but guys like fit young girls with a slim stomach but with really big anuses. this way guys can push there penis further in

What do men see in a big breasted girl who is physicaly fit?

In most cases, its her body. Most guys only look at the "outside" of girls, rather than what's "inside".

Why the girls are doing lesbians?

i am not a lesbian but i have lesbian friends .. some of them do that because their parents dont like them to have boyfriends so they just go around do what they should do with guys but with girls or maybe they are just born like that .. thats who they are,, they are born to realize that they dont like guys but they do like girls or they are doing it because their friends are doing it and they wanna fit in or they are just seeking attention ... there are alot of reasons

Why do males hate fat girls.?

Not all of them do. Some actually like large girls, they're like teddys, they'll keep you warm!lol. But it's because they mostly like thin girls with big boobs. So they can blush about them to all there mates saying my girlfriend is like well fit. Things like that. But big girls are the same as thin girls. They still have the same heart.:DDx