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genitically boys are more fit and able to endure more pain

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14y ago

a boy is most likely to be stronger but a girl could also be stronger but this could depend on age

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Q: Are girl stronger then boys
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Do boys get jealous if a girl is stronger than him?

Hell Yeah..!

Why do boys dump you because your stronger i mean seriously stop being such a baby?

Maybe because the boys want to be the stronger person. Maybe when the girl is stronger then the boy, they feel embarrassed because boys always want to be better than the girls.

Can girls be stronger than boys?

ya they can well I guess some boys can be stronger than a girl and if your one of those girls I hope your smart! girls are usally smarter than boys and defently prettier!

Are boys more better than girl?

Well, the excact science of that is that there are more girls in the worlds than boys and they are smarter but boys are stronger and bigger, usually.

Why is it when a guy plays a girl he's known as a pro?

because boys are stronger than girls

Who can win a fight girls or boys?

depending on who would be stronger but a girl or a boy could win a fight

Who is physically stronger teenage boys or teenage girls?

Even as a girl I admit that usually boys are stronger than girls. But girls are often smarter than boys. Im okay with that because I wouldn't want a boyfriend who is weaker than me or smarter than me. :] The girl will be smarter than the boy about 50% of the time. She'll be stronger than him <1% of the time.

Who is stronger boy 10 years and girl 15 years?

boy will win even girl is 20 year old boys are 100x stronger than girls and if we plus 10x time strong to girl when boy will hurt a girl and girl will be in hospital offf in time of 10 years. sorry girls but boys are smatter ,more intelligent and stronger.girls are weaker in everything against boys.girls are very waek.

Who is the stronger girls or boys?

Boys are the more dominant sex, or they THINK that . . . girls rule them! I mean come on! Hello! When their little boys there mom it generally the boss. And when they get married the wife rules, not the man, in USA at least. [Mostly] But it really depend on the weight, and strong muscle. Like a strong girl is probably stronger than a guy with spaghetti arms. And a boy with bulging muscles is stronger than a girl with barely any muscle. It really depends.

Who is stronger boys or girls?

On average, boys are stronger than girls, but there is a large range of variation for individuals, so some girls are stronger than some boys. Some activities are better suited to the physiology of boys and others are better suited to a girls physical structure. That doesn't mean that both sexes can't try and enjoy all activities.

Is a boy stronger then a girl?

YES It always depends on the muscle size. Some girls are really strong and some are not. Same with boys.

Are boys really better at sports?

no, boys are boys so they think they are better but actuallygirls have stronger glands so they are stronger but don't show it