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Usually, because the larger amounts of body fat and/or muscle help maintain body heat.

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Q: Are fat people warmer than skinny people?
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Why fat people dont feel much cold than thin people?

fat people tend to feel warmer than thin people because in everyone there is a layer of fat which insulates the body.In fat people there is a thicker layer of fat hence they will feel warmer as a pose thin people who have a thin layer of fat

Is there more fat people in the world than skinny?

Hmm, well in my opinion out of the whole world, I think skinny, but alot of people are big, but i see alot of skinny people.

Do fat people have fat?

yes everyone has fat even skinny people.

Do skinny women gain more weight than fat women when they are pregnant?

Obviously notskinny people gain more weight than fat people when their pregnant

Do skinny people get fat?


How much oxygen do we in hail in a minute?

It depends on if your fat or not. Fat people breathe a lot harder than skinny people, especially if they are running....truestory

In winter fat people keep warmer than thin people?

Actually, body fat acts as insulation, so people with more body fat can feel warmer in colder weather compared to thin individuals. This is because fat tissue helps to retain heat and can provide additional warmth. However, it's important to note that there are many factors that can influence how warm or cold someone feels in winter, such as their clothing, activity level, and overall health.

Do fat people drown easyir than skinny people?

yes its harder to stay above water and to sink

Do fat people wish they were skinny?

some probably do, but i don't see the point really. in slavic culture being skinny means you're weak, which is kind of bad. But being skinny is unhealthy, you have trouble gaining weight and muscle. While fat people have more muscle than skinny people and can gain it easier than mesomorphs. based on this, i would say no, because the only thing that skinny people can brag about are their six packs, which onyl shows because they're skinny.

Why do thin people get colder than obese people?

Fat people have a bigger fat layer around their muscles, but they do not always stay warmer. Many "skinny" people are thin because they are quite fit and have a lot of muscle; muscles make you warmer. If the thin person is thin because they are just undernourished and in poor shape, then the fatter person will be warmer.

Are people with fast metabolism's fat or skinny?

People with a fast or high metabolisim are typically skinny.

Why doctors and diet experts can help fat people get skinny but cant help skinny people get fat?

Good question. It could be a thyroid problem.