Marijuana is extremely rich in vitamins, minerals and most other nutrients, but most of these nutrients can only be obtained through digestion of the seeds. Smoking the seeds is not recommended and the leaves/buds cause psychedelic effects.
Additional Input:No.
No, but it wouldn't do anything useful either. Plants produce their own vitamins.
No, vitamins do not clean marijuana from your system. The best way to eliminate marijuana from your system is through abstaining from use and allowing your body time to metabolize and eliminate the drug on its own. Drinking plenty of water and exercising may also help flush out the drug.
No. Marijuana does not deplete any "vitamins" in the body. It does cause less iron to be carried in your hemoglobin in your blood, so you get a tired/lazy feeling but that's only temporary while you're actually under the effects of the drug. Marijuana mimics a certain chemical that is natural to your body and brain that controls appetite, mood, sleepiness, anxiety, etc. The only real harm it does to you is in your lungs, which can be alleviated with a vaporizer or by eating it instead of smoking.
Marijuana can not harm you in any way shape or form. There has never ever been any deaths from smoking or eating marijuana.
Marijuana is not in any plant - it is a plant. Cannibus Sativa is the 'Marijuana Plant'.
yes. medical marijuana. google it
No strain of marijuana has any addictive properties. Marijuana is used to treat addiction.
Children Vitamins can be found online at Amazon or any other websites that sell vitamins. Also check for any companies online that specialize in children's products or vitamins.
To date, marijuana has not been legalised in any of the states or territories of Australia.
Marijuana is psychologically addicting but there is no evidence for any physical addiction.
If you did not smoke any marijuana, and you have since washed your hair, you will have no marijuana in or on any of the strains of hair on your head, and it will not show up on any drug tests.