

Best Answer

It's possible; Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include missed period, tender/swollen breasts, change in color of the breasts, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, increased sense of smell, and weight gain. Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy:

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Q: Am in pregnant 7 days delayed?
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You are 2 days delayed are you pregnant?

No. Two days is nothing. Think weeks, a month or more. Then, possible pregnant.

What does a positive pregnancy result mean if you are 7 days delayed from your pewriod?

it means that you are pregnant. a home pregnancy test can even tell you your pregnent as soon as 5 days BEFORE your missed period.

IS my girlfriend is pregnant she tried pregnancy test 3 days of her delayed and the answer is negative and a before the week ends she had a menstruation is he pregnant?

No, she is not pregnant, she in menstruating.

Your period is delayed by 3 days you have had the PMS symptoms of lower abdomen pain crankiness and had some amount of white discharge you have not had sexual intercourse Could you be pregnant even so?

If your period is only delayed 3 days, it doesn't mean you're pregnant - this kind of thing isn't uncommon. Besides if you haven't had sex, then you're not pregnant.

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i am 10 delayed and still negative result. i have head ache and some unclear discharge... i am pregnant

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Is there a possibility of pregnancy without actual intercourse after a normal period and the next one is delayed by 4 days?

no you have to have intercourse to get pregnant nooooooooo

How do you bleed if you are 8 days delayed?

you might be pregnant, or you just might miss one or itll come but should be normal bleed

Using OpenManage Server Administrator how long can a PERC battery learning cycle be delayed?

Its 7 Days.

When are the days that girls can get pregnant?

7-10 days after your last period started

If you are 60 days delayed are you pregnant?

No either your period isn't regular yet which will take a while, or your cycle has been thrown off by something such as stress.

If you found out you are pregnant on march 18th and you are 7 weeks and 5 days then when did you get pregnant?

Mid January.