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Congrats. Most probably you are. False negative test are more likely than false positive ones. So yes.

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Q: Am i pregnant i took 3 at home pregnancy tests and all were positive?
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Is there any chance you are not pregnant even though you missed your period and have pregnancy symptoms and two positive home pregnancy tests?

No. Go to your doctor and find out what you want to do.

Positive home pregnancy test?

You are pregnant

You took a home pregnancy test and it sade you are pregnant are you?

Most likely. Home pregnancy tests are rarely wrong, but it is possible for it to be wrong. You need to see your doctor, but if for any reason you can't, take two home tests one after the other. If they are both positive... that is your answer.

Can you be pregnant after 5 home pregnancy tests that have resulted positive?

I think you will find that if 5 home tests have resulted in a positive reading, you are most certainly pregnant. I think that you should make an appointment with your doctor to make sure you are well and to discuss what will happen over the next 9 months.

Could you be pregnant after 3 home pregnancy tests were positive after reading results at 3 minutes?

yes if three came up that quick you are pregnant...congrats and God Bless...

If someone believes they are about 5-7 weeks pregnant shouldn't a home pregnancy test show positive at this point?

Home pregnancy tests can have poor accuracy. Also, they expire. Go to your doctor so that you can receive an accurate test and prenatal care if you are pregnant.

What is the likely hood of being pregnant with a negative result?

It is more common for home pregnancy tests to give a false negative than a false positive. You could be testing too soon. Home pregnancy tests are considered accurate 14-16 days after ovulation.

You have had 3 positive blood pregnancy tests and one negative home pregnancy test which was taken after the first positive blood test was reported what does this mean?

It means that either the blood tests were wrong or the home pregnancy test was wrong

If you are 18 days late and your home pregnancy tests are positive and you go for a blood test and it is negative could you be pregnant?

If the tests are positive and you are 18 days late I would assume that there is a greater chance of being pregnant than not. Consult your physician again and ask them for advice or another test.

Can you be pregnant if you have two positive home pregnancy tests and still have your period?

Most likely, you are pregnant and that's not your period, you're just spotting. Go to the doctor, and they'll be able to tell you better.

Is it possible get a negative pregnancy test but be 2 weeks pregnant?

Pregnancy tests, especially early-stage home tests, are never 100% reliable.

Do women with phantom pregnancy test positive on home pregnancy tests?

I have heard both yes and no for this however if you do research into it, its very possible for the test to come back positive because your mind tricks your body into believing its pregnant so the hormone levels will show signs of pregnancy