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It is more common for home pregnancy tests to give a false negative than a false positive. You could be testing too soon. Home pregnancy tests are considered accurate 14-16 days after ovulation.

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Q: What is the likely hood of being pregnant with a negative result?
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if you have done 5 home pregnancy tests and they all result in a negative reading then is is not likely that you have become pregnant. If you have had late or absent periods there could be other contributing factors, such as sudden weight change or recent stress. My advice would be get yourself to the doctors are get a pregnancy test from them. It may be the stress of worrying about being pregnant that's causing youre absent periods!

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Yes sometimes home tests can give a false negative result. If you are certain you are late for you period, go to a doctor and have them preform a pregnancy test so that you know for sure whether or not you are pregnant.

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More then likely your not pregnant, as long as the tests are from two different companies. Maybe stress is giving you the symptoms of pregnancy. If this persists I'd suggest that you seek medical attention and get a test from a Doctor.

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Will being pregnant result in an abnormal pap?

I don't know ask a doctor....

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No not at all. You were lucky being able to get pregnant that quick.

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You're not pregnant if you're on Depo provera and your pregnancy test is negative.

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If the amount of negative integers being multiplied is even, the result will be positive. If it is odd (like 101), the product will be negative.