one drink of wine for a woman a day is considered acceptable if the content is below 11% by volume most wine bottle do not tell you how much alcohol is in their products, women are highly prone to addiction more than men,because of our stress and how much we take on in life because we feel like we are not equal, womaen have to work twice as hard to be half as good. but dont give up times will get earier-god bless you honey-dr.grace.
2-3 units a day
1 unit per day only x
14 units for a woman per week
any excessive drinking in man or woman will damage your liver, the amount varies person to person, and will also depend on how this quantity is consumed if you spread it out over the whole week it will do much less damage than if you drink it all once a week, I believe the "healthy" consumption amount is around 7-12 units per week (i.e. 1-1.4 units per day)
If you are a female, you are recommended to drink 2- 3 units and a man is recommended to drink 3- 4 units a day. You should not however not drink for a while and then drink all of that amount eg. Female: Mon: Doesn't Drink Tue: Doesn't Drink Thursday Wed: Doesn't Drink Thur: Does Drink (3x3=9, = 1x3 for = 12 units. She drinks 12 units on Thursday to make up for morned) this is known as binge drinking.. DRINK SAFELY
It is a very controversial question, but it generally seems like a drink per day (~10g pure alcohol) is recommended, less for young people and none at all for pregnant women. Wikipedia's Long-term effects of alcohol article has it a little higher, though - it mentions 2-3 units (~16-24g) per day.
two peg par day
You probably wouldn't last the week before dying.
You cannot determine the units of alcohol just from the quantity of the total vodka.Generally vodka has 40% alcohol in it.
1 4 units for woman in aweek is the recommended amount according to the bbc news website
Any Alcohol Anonymous can advise on the alcohol units, as can medical centers such as doctors offices and drop in centers. Online, information can be found at the alcohol education trust, which is aimed at young adults as well as posters and leaflets. Within the uk the NHS is running alcohol awareness meetings and have a section devoted to alcohol units on their site. Drink Aware also have information on alcohol units found in various drinks.
There are 3 units of alcohol in a 750ml bottle of West Coast cooler