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As the Alcohol is consumed by the Drinker, it flows down the throat and into the Stomach. From there it either is absorbed by the walls of the stomach or it goes to the small intestines (most likely). Then, the alcohol is absorbed by the intestines and goes into the bloodstream. It goes directly to the heart, where it is then pumped around to the whole body. It reaches the Brain and sends it damaging messages, then takes a path down to the Liver. From the Liver, it is processed and oxidated (burned up). The Body can only process 1/2 Ounces of Alcohol each hour. Alcohol is very dangerous for the whole body in many ways and is a harm to society.

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Alcohol enters the blood and travels throughout the body.

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Within minutes

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Q: Alcohol begins to affect you after it enters your body?
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Does alcohol turn into sugar once it is in the body?

No. Alcohol can only be broken down to CO2 and water. Where alcohol enters the metabolic pathways it can not be synthesized back to carbohydrate or fat. Alcohol can affect blood sugar level in secondary ways.

When does alcohol enters your body?

Right after you start drinking it.

Where does alcohol enterblood stream?

The alcohol firsts enters your body through the mouth. It then travels down into your lungs and then enters into your blood stream.

Why does alcohol have a quick effect on the body?

Because it enters the bloodstream quickly.

Where does alcohol go when it enters the blood stream?

It circulates throughout the body.

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Alcohol has no affect on metabolism; metabolism breaks alcohol down in the body.

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Alcohol affects every cell in the body.

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Alcohol can affect a few things. Alcohol can affect the mind, body and thinking.

Which muscle on the body does alcohol affect first?

The tongue.