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The age of consent in SC is 16 years old.

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8mo ago

The age of consent in South Carolina is 16 years old. This means that individuals aged 16 and over are considered legally able to consent to sexual activity. It's important to note that there are exceptions to this rule, such as when the older party is in a position of authority over the younger person.

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Q: Age of consent in SC
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Can a 17 year old girl date a male who is 25 in SC?

Yes, there are no laws for dating so it's up to the minors parents. The age of consent regarding sex is 16 in SC.

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NO. Being pregnant does not give a minor any 'adult rights'.

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To legally drop out of school anywhere in the state of South Carolina, you have to be 17 years old. You have to attend school in South Carolina until age 17 regardless of parental consent.

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No. The age of consent in SC is 16.

Are there Close-in-age exemptions to the age of consent in Scotland?

No there is not. The age of consent is 16.

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The age of consent is 16 so you can date as long as the parents say yes and even have sex.

When was The Age of Consent created?

The Age of Consent was created in 1984.

What the age of sexual consent in Maryland?

The age of consent in Maryland is 16 years old.This means that someone under the age of consent cannot consent to sex.

What is the oldest age of consent in the world?

Bahrain, where the age of consent is 21.

What is the Age of consent in a PA for 2007?

The age of Consent in Pa. is 18

Age of sexual consent in Arizona with parental consent?

Parental consent has nothing to do with the age of consent. They cannot agree to let you do something that is illegal. In Arizona the legal age is 18.

What does age of legal consent mean?

Age of consent means the age the state or country have decided you are old enough to legally consent to sex.