The legal age is 16 but you need your parents consent if you are under 18.
The legal marriage age for boys in India is 21 years.
The legal drinking age in England during the 1940s was 18 years old.
The legal age for marriage in China is 22 for males and 20 for females. However, exceptions can be made with parental consent and approval from the civil affairs department.
The legal marriage age without parental consent in Texas is 18 years old. Exceptions can be made for individuals who are 16 or 17 years old with parental consent or a court order.
Yes, there are countries where the legal age is below 18 for certain activities such as marriage, military service, or consensual sex. However, the age for majority is typically 18 or higher for most legal matters. In some countries, there may be exceptions or variations based on specific circumstances.
The legal age for marriage in India is 18 for girls and 21 for boys.
Legal marriage age in India: Female: 14 years of age Male: 16 years of age. The youngest ((LEGAL)) marriage age in the world is in Yemn (Middle-East country) the legal age for marriage in Yemen, Female:12 years of age Male:14 years of age
The legal marriage age for boys in India is 21 years.
12 for girls & 14 for boys. In 1763 the legal age was increased to 16 for both.
As i know..If any one marriage certificate is not completed then marriage was not legal.
In 1800, the legal age of marriage varied by location, but generally ranged from 12 to 21 years old.
18 is the legal drinking age in England, however there is talk of raising it to 21.
No, legal marriage age at least over 16 years old, here is a site for you to check every country's legal age of marriage.
The legal drinking age in England during the 1940s was 18 years old.
Child marriage is prohibited in Sikhism. After getting to legal age of marriage he/she can marry
21 years is the legal age of marriage in India.