There were a limited number of Northern American states where blacks were legally allowed to vote. Blacks residing in the free colonies including Maryland, Delaware, New York and New Hampshire were entitled to privileges of a citizen including voting.
Salves could not vote for many years after slavery was abolished.
The 13th Amendment abolished slavery. The 14th Amendment states that everyone born in the U.S. is an American citizen including African Americans. The 15th Amendment gives the right to vote to all people.
Amendment 13 abolishes slavery I think 15 let former slaves vote... maybe 14, too
The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution in 1865, abolished slavery but did not give former slaves equal justice among whites. Nor allow them the right to vote. The 14th and 15th amendments were designed to make whites and blacks equal in the USA.
13th amendment is SLAVERY ABOLISHMENT. 14th Amendment is CIVIL RIGHTS. 15th Amendment is RIGHT TO VOTE.
Salves could not vote for many years after slavery was abolished.
after the civil war The 13th(abolished slavery), 14th( all former slaves are granted citizenship), and 15th(That any citizen, no matter what race, could vote) amendments were added to the constitution.
In simple words 1870slaves, as such, never did get the right to vote. But at the close of the Civil War they were all formally freed under the 13th Amendment to the Constitution (Bill of Rights), which abolished slavery in 1865. Former slaves were then granted the right to vote in 1870, under the 15th Amendment, which decreed that the right to vote could not be denied because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
The thirteenth amendment restricted poll taxes making it avilable for more of the popluation to vote.
Poll taxes were meant to keep former slaves, who previously had no right to vote, from voting. Because most former slaves were not very wealthy, they could not afford to pay, while more affluent white men could. It was abolished as part of the Civil Rights amendments to the Constitution to ensure voting rights.
The 13th Amendment abolished slavery. The 14th Amendment states that everyone born in the U.S. is an American citizen including African Americans. The 15th Amendment gives the right to vote to all people.
They should have abolished slavery and given all Americans, men, women, former slaves the right to vote. They should never have created the Electoral College. All Presidents should have been elected by popular vote.
Give free slaves the right to vote immediately
The Three-Fifths Compromise helped the South preserve slavery because it gave the slaves a chance to influence the government by voting. Every slaves vote counted as 60 percent of one vote.
Slaves could not own property or vote. They were only able to work for free for their owners, making them slaves.
The 13th abolished slavery, the 14th granted citizenship to those who were enslaved and the 15th granted black men the right to vote. Of course, that was just the beginning of the journey.
Amendment 13 abolishes slavery I think 15 let former slaves vote... maybe 14, too