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If a girl called you cute, then its as simple as that, she thinks you are cute,

She may like you and that may be her way of showing it but she may also like you as a friend but thinks you are good looking

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yes a girl called chloe wilson she a very sweet cute girl xx

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yes ayla is a cute girl. lol :)

What does it mean if a girl called you cute?

they maybe like you or they think your one of those guys are cute looking with chuppy cheeks:)

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Obviously you can. It's called 'Cute' for a reason. Based on questions in the begginig, you can be one of two girls

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I think that a cute girly name for a girl is Brinee (Brin-a) That is such a cute name.

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Your being a girl has nothing to do with the WikiAnswers community laughing cute... If you meant why because you're a girl do YOU have to laugh cute, you don't.

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then the girl has a crush on him my girl calls me cute and i used to not like it but im ok with it now

Is it good if a guy thinks a girl is cute?

Yes! Why not? * Of course! Its great if he calls you cute, its better than being called hot because any female that shows off more skin and puts on some make up could be called 'hot'. Unless he means cute as in little sister cute.