It does not matter how old or young a person is. Love can take anyone anywhere.
( : always
ask the boy or girl out
no it is not because if yuh really like the girl or boy you will do anything to get them no if u like them go along
If the boy/girl started school late, 4th grade If the boy/girl started school early, 6th grade If the boy/girl started school on time, 5th grade
look really fit and be really kind to her
well no
no chance, buddy. i am a sixth grade girl and there is no way I would date a nine or ten year old boy. sorry.
the way you worded your question makes absolutely no sense. but if you're asking what i think you're asking, then the boy should ask if the girl has a boyfriend
2 to 3 inches. 6th grade to 8th grade are bigger differences in height.
fist ask him and if you shy ask a firnd to ask him