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This could be normal however, I would call your midwife or doctor just to rule out any potential problems.

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Q: 16 weeks pregnant abdominal and low back cramps?
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What is lower back and abdominal pain at 34 weeks pregnant?

Could be the baby is the wrong way round. Check up with your doctors :o)

Why would you have minor cramping and severe lower back pain when 4 weeks pregnant?

You should go to the ER or your doctor ASAP. Cramping in early pregnancy is very normal because everything is stretching out, but it shouldn't be bad cramps and with the severe lower back pain that could mean you are having a miscarriage. Please go to the ER or your doctor ASAP

Whats wrong bleeding from rectum with back and abdominal cramps?

Not a pregnancy symptom, go to the doctor

Can i be pregnant if i took a home pregnancy test and it came back negative and im having all the symptoms?

If you have missed several periods then yes your definatly pregnant but nausea, back pain, abdominal pain, headaches and even cramps and moodswings are all part of ur period and menstration.

You are 5wks pregnant and you are 16 and you have lower abdominal pains and cramps from time to time and your lower back hurts from time to time does this mean you are going to have a miscarraige?

Not necessarily a miscarriage it means the baby is moving around tomuch

Does early pregnancy bleeding involve cramps?

I had early pregnancy bleeding and cramps at about 3 days after i discovered i was pregnant, i was about 4 weeks gone, the cramps were really bad, felt like bad period pains and it was all in the bottom of my back, it stopped after 4 days and everything is fine still

If you were 23 weeks pregnant on your ultrasound and went back 4 weeks later how many weeks should you be?

if you are 23 weeks pregnant , then go back 4 weeks later you should be 27 weeks pregnant. Almost 7 months.

Does miscarrying hurt?

Miscarrying is usually accompanied by abdominal pain, pelvic cramps, and sometimes lower back pain.

How will you know when your period is going to start?

usually cramps abdominal pain back pain headaches sore breasts

Abdominal and lower back cramps tingly breast period is late and tested negative is this a sign of pregnancy?

o yea

Why you have cramps after 7 weeks abortions but no period yet?

Was the pregnancy 7 weeks gone or was it 7 weeks ago? It's not uncommon to have cramps afterwards and the period comes back within 2 months counting from the abortion.

What are the signs when 27 weeks pregnant?

When you are 27 weeks pregnant you may start noticing some new symptoms, along with and aching back for example, you may find that your leg muscles cramp up now and then.The leg cramps are more common at night but can happen anytime during the day as well.