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Red Blood Cells contain hemoglobin, which carries oxygen. Each cell can only carry so much, so if there is a shortage, then the cardiovascular performance of the body will suffer.
because oxygen is been transported by the red pigment in the red blood cell,so few red blood cell would result in a deduction of the oxygen in the heamoglobin

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Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues. A shortage of red blood cells means there are fewer carriers for oxygen, resulting in less oxygen reaching the cells of the body. This can lead to symptoms of fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath.

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Q: Why would a shortage of red blood cells result in less oxygen being delivered to the cells of the body?
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What is the concentration of oxygen inhaled during oxygen therapy dependent upon?

The concentration of oxygen inhaled during oxygen therapy depends on the flow rate of oxygen being delivered and the delivery method used (e.g., nasal cannula, mask). Higher flow rates or different delivery methods can increase the concentration of oxygen being delivered to the patient.

What is oxygen tension?

Oxygen tension refers to the partial pressure of oxygen in a given environment. It is a measure of the concentration of oxygen molecules dissolved in a fluid, such as blood or another bodily fluid. Oxygen tension is important for determining how efficiently oxygen is being delivered to tissues in the body.

What percentage of oxygen is delivered by a simple face mask?

8-12 liters per minute. Less than 6 will give less percent oxygen than room air is (21%). More than 12 will not increase the percent oxygen received by the patient any higher than what they are receiving at 12 liters per minute.

What makes the concentration of oxygen low in the alveolus?

The concentration of oxygen in the alveolus is low because it is continuously being taken up by the blood in the pulmonary capillaries for oxygenation. As a result, the oxygen level in the alveolus decreases, creating a concentration gradient that promotes the diffusion of oxygen into the bloodstream.

A molecule combines with oxygen and produces heat?

This process is likely a combustion reaction where the molecule is oxidized by oxygen. The release of heat is the result of the chemical bonds in the molecule being broken and new bonds being formed, leading to the release of energy in the form of heat.

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Typically, a shortage of the product/service will result with the resultant outcome being an increase in price.

What is the concentration of oxygen inhaled during oxygen therapy dependent upon?

The concentration of oxygen inhaled during oxygen therapy depends on the flow rate of oxygen being delivered and the delivery method used (e.g., nasal cannula, mask). Higher flow rates or different delivery methods can increase the concentration of oxygen being delivered to the patient.

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What is oxygen tension?

Oxygen tension refers to the partial pressure of oxygen in a given environment. It is a measure of the concentration of oxygen molecules dissolved in a fluid, such as blood or another bodily fluid. Oxygen tension is important for determining how efficiently oxygen is being delivered to tissues in the body.

What is the function of oximeter?

The pulse oximeter (or oxymeter) measure the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin. If the hemoglobin levels are normal this will give an estimate of how much oxygen is being delivered to the tissues and if abnormal can suggest lung or heart disease.

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An increase in aggregate demand and a decrease in aggregate supply will result in a shortage: there will be more goods and services demanded than that which is being produced.

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An increase in aggregate demand and a decrease in aggregate supply will result in a shortage: there will be more goods and services demanded than that which is being produced.