Probably because the virus cannot survive the cold temperatures there.
Gulf Stream
No, snakes are not found in the North Pole as they are cold-blooded animals and cannot survive in the extreme cold temperatures of the Arctic region. The environment in the North Pole is not suitable for snakes to thrive.
Department 56 North Pole Series sell clothes. One can find there clothes he or she can use in especially cold weather such as the North Pole which is very cold.
North pole?
The North pole of a magnet or Earth attracts the South pole, while repelling the North pole. The South pole attracts the North pole and repels the South pole. For Earth, the North magnetic pole is located near the geographic North pole, and the South magnetic pole is near the geographic South pole.
In Winter you can't catch a cold in the North Pole. The temperature is too low for the germs to survive in the air or on any surfaces. You could catch a cold if you were kissing someone who already had a cold though...
Gulf Stream
the difference between Egypt and north pole is that Egypt is hot and in the north pole it is cold.
The intense cold and lack of food would make it impossible for a wasp to live at the North Pole, which is a gigantic floating ice floe. Wasps become torpid in a cold British winter, never mind at the arctic.
It is to cold and slippery at the North pole.
cold cold
The North Pole is located at the top of the Earth. The North Pole experiences seasons like the rest of the Earth. When the North Pole experiences the cold season, it is about - 34 degrees. When the North Pole experiences the warmer season, the temperature is around 0 degrees.
No, snakes are not found in the North Pole as they are cold-blooded animals and cannot survive in the extreme cold temperatures of the Arctic region. The environment in the North Pole is not suitable for snakes to thrive.
there both cold
they are both cold
Department 56 North Pole Series sell clothes. One can find there clothes he or she can use in especially cold weather such as the North Pole which is very cold.