In Winter you can't catch a cold in the North Pole. The temperature is too low for the germs to survive in the air or on any surfaces. You could catch a cold if you were kissing someone who already had a cold though...
U cant catch Wigglytuff in emerald..however u can catch Jigglypuff.Surf north of rustboro town and u will find an island..go there..and go north..u will find grass.there u will find jigglypuff.
you cant you cant you cant
you cant. In gold you cant catch weedle. i have a handbook
you cant. You can only catch it in Pokemon emerald, but, you cant catch latias in emerald.
you cant catch it in emerald
you cant
you cant catch it it is rare
you can start off with it but cant catch it
you cant but you can envolve it from shelgon. you have to catch bagon
you have to trade you cant catch it
you cant catch asthma
you cant...sorry