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Greenhouse Effect is the result of the ability of certain gases in the atmosphere to trap heat from Earth's surface, causing the planet to warm. Without this thermal blanket of insulating gases, Earth's climate would be more than 30°C cooler and few organisms would survive on the planet. Some scientists believe that humans have increased the greenhouse gases by burning wood and using petroleum products, and that this affects global warming. Although Earth is known to have gone through cycles of heating and cooling for many millions of years, they are concerned that there has been an increase in Earth's surface temperature of about 0.6°C over the last 100 years.

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4mo ago

The greenhouse effect is called so because it functions in a similar way to a greenhouse. Greenhouses allow sunlight to enter and trap heat inside, creating a warm environment for plants to grow. Similarly, the greenhouse effect refers to the way Earth's atmosphere traps heat from the sun, leading to a warming of the planet.

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Because a green house uses the same process to create a better environment for plants.

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Is global warming same as green house effect?

No, Green house effect is the phenomenon when the green house gas would trap solar radiation. Mostly it could trap (absorb) radiation on infrared region better than visible range and so it result to higher temperature of this planet. The Global warming is the theory that earth temperature is increasing due to man made emission of CO2 through process of Green house effect.

Are human farts detrimental to the 'greehouse' effect?

No. The process of farting is age old and it has nothing to do with green house effect. (Even if is so, you do not have an option of stopping the process of farting.)

What effects do the green house gases have?

When in the atmosphere, they "trap" or reflect back outgoing infrared radiation (that Earth would normally shine out into space) so that the average heat loss of the Earth is reduced. This causes the atmosphere to heat up slightly. This is called "global warming" They are called "greenhouse gasses" because the glass in a greenhouse has a similar effect, warming the inside of the greenhouse by trapping the Sun's heat.

What process transfers light energy to chemical energy in a green house?

Photosynthesis, same as outside the green house. So why do we use green houses? The green house is used to raise the temperature so that the plants start growing and are not killed by cold. It does this is two ways, by constricting air flow and blocking infrared light. The major part of this is that outside the green house, when the soil absorbs solar energy and turns it into heat, the air will transport that energy away which cools the soil and the plants growing in it. In the green house the warm air is trapped. To some (small) extent glass will block ultraviolet and infrared rays more than visible light. This stops harmful UV rays from hitting the plants, and it traps the infrared heat emissions from the plants inside the green house. Actually there is less useful sun light energy reaching the leaves within a green house than if the plants were outside it (try sunbathing under glass) but better control of temperature and humidity allows the plant to grow better anyway.

Does rubbing alcohol freeze like the Mpemba effect?

1. Today the Mpemba effect remain unclear and possible not true. 2. I suppose that any link exist between the so called Mpemba effect and the freezing of rubbing alcohol.

Related questions

Is global warming same as green house effect?

No, Green house effect is the phenomenon when the green house gas would trap solar radiation. Mostly it could trap (absorb) radiation on infrared region better than visible range and so it result to higher temperature of this planet. The Global warming is the theory that earth temperature is increasing due to man made emission of CO2 through process of Green house effect.

Where in the solar system might scientist search for life and why?

any where with temperatures between -35 degrees Celsius and 80 degrees Celsius and a green house effect. the green house effect will provide necessary air for life and the temperature so they don't cook or freeze.

Are human farts detrimental to the 'greehouse' effect?

No. The process of farting is age old and it has nothing to do with green house effect. (Even if is so, you do not have an option of stopping the process of farting.)

Do you believe in the green house effect?

Well... there are clear signs that the earth is getting warmer and there is already proof of the green house effect. That's one of the reasons Venus is so hot. It has clouds that makes the warmth not able to come out. Just like a jacket. Get in the warmth , don't let it out .

Is too much co2 bad for the atmosphere?

co2 creates a green house effect that warms up the Earth by trapping in heat. Yes this green house effect has increased the earths temperature little bit in the past million years or so, but in our lifetime we wont see any dramatic changes.

Which gas is also so called the green house effect?

The greenhouse effect, which keeps us from freezing solid, is caused by many gases. By far the largest in volume is simply water vapor (humidity), followed by carbon dioxide (small contributor), methane, and so on. By the way, acid rain has just been proven to reduce the greenhouse effect, so it is important to keep sufficient levels of carbon dioxide and methane in our air.

What is green house affcect?

The green house effect can be very useful. You could grow orange trees in maine with a good greenhouse. What happens is the sunlight goes into the building through windows but the actual heat can not get out if it is properly sealed.

Does Danielle Deleasa like green tea?

I guess so, she mentioned green tea when she was at Denise's house

What type of proprty is color?

When light contacts an object such as a box then some of the spectrum of the light your green yellow etc is absorbed and the rest is reflected so if the box is green it is aborbing green light from the spectrumbut what gives color is called pigmentits do do with the vibration of the atoms that cause this effect

What is the simplest definition of the greenhouse effect?

Gases in the atmosphere trap the sun’s warmth -apex

Where is it not so good to have a lot of ozone?

Ozone present in the troposphere is also called as bad ozone. It is also a green house gas. It is the major constituent of the urban smog.

Can you drive with a broken catalytic converter?

A catalyticÊconverter does not have an effect on a vehicles abilityÊto be driven. A catalytic converter just reduces the green house emissions of the vehicle, so if it is broken the vehicle will just release more emissions.ÊÊ