On Friday go to the union cave. You may need to leave and come back if the date changes while you're in there.
No, you cannot catch Mudkip in Pokemon Liquid Crystal as it is not included in the game. Mudkip is originally from the Hoenn region, and Liquid Crystal is a ROM hack based on the Johto region.
You can catch Latios in Pokemon Liquid Crystal by surfing on Route 44 near the Ice Path. It has a very low encounter rate, so you may need to be patient and keep trying until you encounter it. Good luck!
You can catch Tailow in Pokemon Liquid Crystal by heading to Route 32, where it has a 10% chance of appearing in the grass during the day. Use Repel to avoid encounters with other Pokemon and increase your chances of finding Tailow. It may take some time, so be patient and keep searching until you encounter one.
In Liquid Crystal, Rayquaza can be caught at the top of the Sky Pillar on Route 131 after obtaining the National Dex and defeating the Elite Four. The Sky Pillar can be accessed from Pacifidlog Town by using Surf and Waterfall. Rayquaza is a legendary Dragon-type PokΓ©mon that resides at the summit of the Sky Pillar.
The Master Ball is the strongest Pokeball as it guarantees a catch without fail when used on a wild Pokemon.
im not sure but i think you catch it in union cave on a friday I'm defentily sure that you can catch lapras but only in union cave on friday that is wierd
you need a cheat that can catch a trainer's Pokemon to have lapras. because there is a trainer that has a lapras.
No, you cannot catch Mudkip in Pokemon Liquid Crystal as it is not included in the game. Mudkip is originally from the Hoenn region, and Liquid Crystal is a ROM hack based on the Johto region.
You can catch the Pokemon Lapras in Union Cave, but only on Fridays. Make sure you stock up on PokeBalls.
i hope
you find lapras in union cave B2 only on fridays
You can catch Goldeen, Poliwag, Tentacool, and Lapras. Lapras are extremely rare however.
I don't think you can but if you have an Action Replay you could catch the trainers lapras.
transfer it to your pal park
You go to Four Island and go inside this cave. Keep looking for Lapras and when you find it weaken it and throw a Pokeball, Great Ball, or Ultra Ball. Or whatever you have to catch a Pokemon.
you can find them on fridays in unoin cave
In the Sliph Co. building one of the employees will give you Lapras (it is low-leveled, so you have to raise it).