Muscle cells have their unique elongated and striated appearance due to the arrangement of contractile proteins within them, specifically actin and myosin. This organization, along with the presence of specialized structures like sarcomeres, allows muscle cells to efficiently generate force and enable movement in the body.
The trachealis muscle is located on the posterior side of the trachea and allows the esophagus to expand anteriorly during swallowing.
The lens of the eye thickens when the ciliary muscles contract. This change in thickness allows the eye to focus on objects up close by increasing the refractive power of the lens. This process is known as accommodation.
Muscle cells in oxygen deprivation convert pyruvate to lactate through a process called anaerobic glycolysis. This allows for the generation of ATP in the absence of oxygen, but results in the build-up of lactate in the muscles, leading to muscle fatigue and soreness.
The "heart", which is made up entirely of cardiac muscle.
Superior Rectus allows you to look Up & In, whiel the Superior Oblique allows you to look Up & Out.
It flexes your knees and allows flexing and movement of your hips. If you pick your foot up and look at the sole of your foot then you are using all the functions of the sartorius muscle.
The heart is made up of cardiac muscle, which is a type of striated muscle.
Your pectoral muscle allows you to do a push up. When you do a push up you use your pectoral muscle, your tricep muscle, and you use your shoulder back at the rotator cuff.
The main muscle that allows you to blink is the orbicularis oculi. The other muscle that also assists with this movement is the levator palpebrae superioris muscle.
which trunk muscle allows you to adduct your arms? which shoulder muscle allowed you to adduct your arm? which trunk muscle allows you to elevae your shoulders?
The Orbicularis Oris Muscle
Calf Muscle
It helps you stand up staight and allows you to move your boyd WRITTEN by Aline ;
The structure of a muscle bundle, made up of muscle fibers arranged in a parallel fashion, allows for efficient force generation and transmission within the muscle. This organization enables coordinated muscle contractions, leading to effective movement and strength.
yes there is look it up
Skeletal (or striated) muscle