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Reproduction is necessary for survival of the species, but not for survival of the individual. Except on Prom night, of course.

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1mo ago

Remote communication like texting or emailing is not required for the survival of an individual organism at the cellular level. These activities are more related to social interaction and technology rather than basic biological functions within cells.

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14y ago

I would say metamorphosis because not all species go through it. Metamorphosis is the process when a young organism that looks nothing like the adult, becomes an adult.

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8y ago

Reproduction is not essential for the survival of a single organism for a relatively brief period of time! A bad question as it is open to misinterpretation!

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Question needs to be specified.

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Q: What life activity is not required for the survival of an individual organism in cells?
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Which term includes all of the activities required to keep an organism alive?

Homeostasis. It refers to the body's ability to maintain internal stability by adjusting its physiological processes to keep all systems in balance and functioning optimally for survival.

Are cells united?

Cells can come together and form a multicellular organism, where individual cells work in unity to carry out specific functions. This unity is crucial for the overall survival and functioning of the organism. However, at a cellular level, individual cells maintain their unique identities and functions.

How are energy and matter important to the survival of an organism?

Energy is needed for various biological processes like metabolism, growth, and reproduction, while matter is required to build and repair cells and tissues. Without energy, an organism wouldn't be able to carry out these processes, and without matter, an organism wouldn't be able to grow or repair itself. Both energy and matter are essential for the survival and functioning of an organism.

Why do the survival of the whole organism depends on the functioning of its individual cells?

Individual cells perform essential functions such as energy production, nutrient uptake, and waste removal that are necessary for the survival of the organism as a whole. If individual cells fail to function properly, it can lead to a breakdown in the body's processes, ultimately impacting the overall health and survivability of the organism.

An organism has many specialized cells to carry out the cellular functions it needs to survive what can you determine about this organism?

This organism is likely multicellular, with different types of specialized cells to perform specific tasks required for survival. The presence of specialized cells indicates a higher level of organization and complexity in the organism's structure and function. Specialized cells allow the organism to efficiently carry out various functions necessary for its survival, growth, and reproduction.

Related questions

Which characteristics of life is not essential to survival of an individual organism?


Why is Reproduction is not essential for the survival of an individual organism but is essential for the survival of the what?

Reproduction is essential for the survival of a species because it ensures the continuation of the genetic line and prevents extinction. While an individual organism may survive without reproducing, if a species as a whole did not reproduce, it would eventually die out.

What life function is necessary to the species but not the individual organism?


What is a organism level?

An organism level refers to the level at which an individual organism functions and interacts with its environment. It involves the study of the structure, function, and behavior of an individual organism within its ecological context. At this level, the focus is on understanding the adaptations and survival strategies of a single organism.

The life function that is necessary for the survival of the species but not necessary for the survival of an idividual organism is?

Reproduction. An individual organism does not have to reproduce in order to survive but if the organisms did not produce then the species would die out after just a single generation.

Which of the 8 necessary life functions is not needed for survival?

Reproduction is a necessary life function that is not needed for individual survival, as an organism can survive without reproducing.

What characteristics makes reproduction different from the other organic functions you have studied?

it is not necessary for the survival of the individual organism.

Why is a peacock important to its survival?

As with any organism, that organism has to be important to itself to ensure survival.

Is reproduction essential to the survival of an individual organism?

Reproduction is not essential for the survival of an individual organism, as survival only requires the ability to carry out life-sustaining activities like obtaining nutrients, growth, and maintenance of bodily functions. However, reproduction is crucial for the continuation and propagation of a species.

Organism in a sentence?

An organism is a living, individual being that carries out various functions necessary for its survival, such as growth, reproduction, and responding to stimuli from its environment.

Which term includes all of the activities required to keep an organism alive?

Homeostasis. It refers to the body's ability to maintain internal stability by adjusting its physiological processes to keep all systems in balance and functioning optimally for survival.

Are cells united?

Cells can come together and form a multicellular organism, where individual cells work in unity to carry out specific functions. This unity is crucial for the overall survival and functioning of the organism. However, at a cellular level, individual cells maintain their unique identities and functions.