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Reproduction. An individual organism does not have to reproduce in order to survive but if the organisms did not produce then the species would die out after just a single generation.

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Q: The life function that is necessary for the survival of the species but not necessary for the survival of an idividual organism is?
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Reproduction is a necessary life function that is not needed for individual survival, as an organism can survive without reproducing.

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sumagot ka nga! at magisip ka!

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A need is something that is necessary to the survival of an organism: nutritional food, water, air, protection etc. A want is something that is considered a luxury and does not influence the survival of an organism.

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The fundamental unit of an organism is the cell, which contains various structures that perform specific functions. Cells work together in tissues, organs, and organ systems to carry out the functions necessary for the organism's survival, growth, and reproduction. Each type of cell has a specific structure and function that contributes to the overall health and stability of the organism.

What characteristics makes reproduction different from the other organic functions you have studied?

it is not necessary for the survival of the individual organism.