Haiploid cell
It is the nucleus. It controls the activities of cell
Endoplasmic reticulum
This is the cell membrane, the fluid mosaic, or the phospholipid bilayer.All names of the control membrane for in/out traffic of the cell.
because it has the colors of it
Haiploid cell
The nucleus contains the chromatin material and is the director of the cell. A cell nucleus is surrounded by a membrane and is found in eukaryotic cells.
Basicly to tell the cell what to do, what to make and how much. It is the director of the cell.
It is the nucleus. It controls the activities of cell
He won Best Director for Traffic.
The nucleus is the CEO of the cell. It draws up the plans for the proteins that the cell will make.
Endoplasmic reticulum
This is the cell membrane, the fluid mosaic, or the phospholipid bilayer.All names of the control membrane for in/out traffic of the cell.
The nucleus is called the director of the cell since it contains genetic material in the form of DNA or RNA. There are segments on DNA called genes that contain information to make a protein. These genes in regulate the behavior of the cell.