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The nucleus contains the chromatin material and is the director of the cell. A cell nucleus is surrounded by a membrane and is found in eukaryotic cells.

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Q: What contains the chromatin material and is the director of the cell?
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What do a chromatin do?

a chromatin is a material in the cell that contains DNA and carries genetic information

What job does the chromatin?

a chromatin is a material in the cell that contains DNA and carries genetic information

What does the chromatin do in the cell?

Chromatin contains the instructions for direting the cell's functions. It also contains DNA.

What cell part contains chromatin?

Chromatin is contained within the nucleus of a cell. It is a complex of DNA and proteins that form chromosomes during cell division.

Do animal cell have a chromatin?

Yes. It has a nucleus, and the nucleus contains chromatin.

Is there a chromatin in plant cell and animal cell?

Yes. All cells have chromatin. It contains the DNA.

Is it true that Chromatin contains the instructions that direct the functions of a cell?

Yes, chromatin contains DNA and proteins that regulate gene expression and direct the functions of a cell. The DNA in chromatin encodes the genetic information that ultimately determines a cell's structure and function.

What is the cells communication network?

Chromatin, thin strands of material that fill the nucleus, contains information for directing a cell's functions.

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What surrounds nucleoli and chromatin?

Nucleoli are regions within the nucleus of a cell that are composed of proteins and RNA. They are surrounded by chromatin, which is the complex of DNA and proteins that make up chromosomes. Chromatin forms the structural basis for the nucleus and contains the genetic material of the cell.

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Does the nucleus of a Plant Cell contain chromatin?

Yes, the nucleus of a plant cell contains chromatin, which is a complex of DNA and proteins that make up the genetic material of the cell. Chromatin condenses to form chromosomes during cell division.