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i had the same exact question for my science report determining wether or not yeast cells are alive.

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1mo ago

The purpose of adding yeast and water in a sugar and yeast experiment is to provide the necessary conditions for fermentation to occur. The yeast consumes the sugar as a food source and produces carbon dioxide gas and alcohol as byproducts. This reaction demonstrates the process of anaerobic respiration in living organisms.

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Q: What is the purpose of yeast plus water in a sugar and yeast experiment?
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Sugar and yeast?

Sugar is a necessary food source for yeast to grow and ferment. When yeast consumes sugar, it produces carbon dioxide and alcohol, which are responsible for fermentation in bread-making and alcohol production.

Does yeast grow faster or slower with more sugar?

Yeast is a bacteria that feeds on sugar, which causes the fermentation process. In the process of wine making, grapes have yeast in the skin and sugar in the flesh of the fruit, the yeast then feeds on the sugar in the flesh fermenting the juice and making the wine.

What happens when you mix warm honey yeast and powder sugar?

warm water - yeast needs warm water to become active. suger is the yeast's food .it gives the yeast the energy it needs to grow. cold water - the cold water kills the yeast (kind of) normal room temperature - the yeast just becomes in active and doesn't react

What if i left the sugar-yeast-water mixture ferment for too long time?

If you leave a sugar-yeast-water mixture to ferment for too long of a time the gluten will lose elasticity.

What is an appropriate experiment on Yeast Fermentation?

Testing the effect of different sugars on yeast fermentation can be a very good experiment. You will need the following materials: 2 liter bottles, packets of dry active yeast, different sugars (like sucrose{table sugar}, fructose, substitution sweetener lactose{milk sugar},and dextrose balloons,and of course,water. Add the amount of water instructed on the yeast to every 2liter bottle. then measure the same amount of sugar for each bottle. place a balloon on the top of each bottle and let them sit for at least ten minutes. then measure the circumference of the balloons and compare. to make completely scientific do at least three times and average results. To further extend add salt to each sugar solution to see if it makes any difference. Hope I helped:)

Related questions

What do you need for a yeast balloon experiment?

To conduct a yeast balloon experiment, you will need a balloon, a water bottle, warm water, sugar, active dry yeast, and a funnel. First, mix the warm water with sugar in the bottle, add yeast using the funnel, and stretch the balloon over the top of the bottle. As the yeast consumes the sugar and produces carbon dioxide, the balloon will inflate.

What is the control in a bread mold experiment?

The bottle that contains only yeast and water. The experimental group in the bottle with yeast, water, AND sugar.

What happen when bleach plus yeast plus sugar are mixed together?

I just did this experiment for my biology class. It seems that with the bleach, it kills the reaction of the yeast. It overpowers the yeast. No bubbles occur--like if it were just yeast, sugar, and warm water.

Sugar and yeast?

Sugar is a necessary food source for yeast to grow and ferment. When yeast consumes sugar, it produces carbon dioxide and alcohol, which are responsible for fermentation in bread-making and alcohol production.

Why do we add water to yeast in the elephant toothpaste experiment?

Water is added to yeast in the elephant toothpaste experiment to activate it. Yeast is a microorganism that becomes active in the presence of water, which allows it to produce carbon dioxide gas needed for the reaction. This gas creates the foamy explosion seen in the experiment.

What is made of flour and sugar and water and yeast?

Among other varieties, the basic ingredients for bread are Flour, Water, Sugar, and Yeast.

Does yeast grow better in sugar water or salt water?

Yeast Grows much better in sugar water. They are micro organisms that need the sucrose in the sugar to activate and grow, without the sugar very little would happen. If you used salt water it would most likely kill the yeast.

Why does a sugar solution become alcoholic on adding yeast?

Yeast consumes sugar and as a byproduct you get alcohol. In simple terms, yeast eats sugar and pees out alcohol.

Is yeast produce a gas when sugar is Available?

No, combining yeast with sugar will not produce gas. Yeast must be dissolved in water with starch or sugar in order to begin fermentation producing CO2 gas.

What conditions cause yeast to be active?

To be activated, yeast needs warmth, water, and sugar.

What if you forgot to add sugar to yeast and water?

The yeast would eventually starve and die.

What factors does alcohol depend on?

Sugar, water and yeast.