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Among other varieties, the basic ingredients for bread are Flour, Water, Sugar, and Yeast.

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Q: What is made of flour and sugar and water and yeast?
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What are doughnuts made out of?

Doughnuts are made from flour, yeast, water, milk, butter, eggand caster sugar.

Does Italian bread have pork in it?

No. Italian bread is made from the same ingredients as other breads: flour, water. yeast, oil and sugar.

Is there yeast in a custard slice?

Not typically, custard (I'm assuming you mean pie) is made with milk, egg and sugar, and pie crust is often made with flour, fat and water. No yeast is needed to make this.

What is pastry or dough made of?

Recipes will vary depending on the type of pastry or bread your making but the are the basic ingredients, Short crust pastry is Flour, Fat a little salt and water. Bread dough is Flour, Fat, Yeast, a little sugar (to activate the yeast) salt and water.

How do you make benyaes?

Benyas are made with yeast, water, sugar, salt, eggs, evaporated milk, flour, shortening, and confectioners' sugar. Fry in vegetable oil until the benyas pop.

What was the first pizza dough made out of?

Same as today...yeast flour and water

What are Sourdough breads made from?

Sourdough breads are still made from flour, water, yeast, and bacteria

Does yeast eat sugar?

No, sugar is NOT necessary when making yeast bread. Yeast has enough simple sugars in flour to grow and multiply.

What is a piece of bread made out of?

The basic ingredients of bread are yeast, wheat flour, water and salt. This can be augmented with any other flour, grain or seed, sugar, honey, syrup, fruit, spices--and just about anything else.

What is kosher bread made from?

Flour, water, salt, sugar, yeast, etc. The usual ingredients of bread, except milk. There can be no milk in kosher bread. The only animal ingredients allowed are eggs.

Does bread have dairy products in?

No!Bread does not have any dairy products in it baecause bread is made of grain of wheat.

What are the six ingredients that are needed to bake breads?

The very simplest bread could be made of nothing more than flour and water. Most simple breads are made of flour, water and oil or some other type of fat and salt. There are endless variations from that basic mix. Some type of leavening, such as yeast, baking powder or baking soda, lighten the dough and allow air to be incorporated into bread through rising. Eggs, milk and sugar might be added for more richness and flavor, as well as different types of flour, whole or cracked grains, seeds, dried fruit, herbs and spices.