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AED. Automated External Defibrillator. The heart has its own electrical system that fires and tells the heart when to pump, numerous things make the heart stop beating. But you can do CPR and essentially pump the heart for the patient but ultimately the AED will restore the electrical system by shocking the heart if you follow AED directions. Both CPR and an AED are essential for starting back up the heart, you cant just "ride the lighting" aka shock the patient like in the movies and tv shows. In order to actually bring somebody back you have to do CPR and use the AED.

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9mo ago

The machine that paramedics use to revive individuals in cardiac arrest is called a defibrillator. It delivers an electrical shock to the heart to restore its normal rhythm. Timing is crucial for its effectiveness in saving lives.

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Q: What is the machine that paramedics use to bring people back to life?
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