Vesicular basalt has small rounded voids called vesicules formed by the molten rock cooling and freezing around pockets of gas. It looks a lot like a rock hard sponge. Non vesicular basalt is a normal solid rock.
Non-homogeneous materials have two or more phases.
One is hard one is soft
A nonenzymatic reaction doesn't use an enzyme.
If the difference in electronegativity between the metal and the non metal is above 1.7, then ionic bond is formed. If the difference in electronegativity between the metal and the non metal is below 1.7, then polar covalent bond is formed.
vacuoles are non living part , fluid filled spaces enclosed by membrane granges also non living but not bounded by any membrane
Vesicular igneous rocks contain vesicles (gas bubbles) that formed during the rock's cooling process, giving it a porous appearance. Nonvesicular igneous rocks do not contain these vesicles and have a more solid texture. This difference in texture is often due to the amount of gas trapped in the magma during the rock's formation.
difference between a proposition and non proposition
Agriculture is farming and non-agriculture is non farming.
Difference between typing and non typing keys
Discuss the difference between managerial and non managerial tasks?
what is difference between operatyional and non operational communication
what is the difference between statutory audit and non statutory audit.
No difference.
What is the difference between formulary & non- formulary?
There really is not much of a difference between unofficial and non-official. They both mean non confirmed and non formal.
The definition of non-vesicular is one that does not pertain to vesicles. This is anything that does not have the structure of vesicles.
The difference between native and non-native species is that native species are from that area and non-native species are not from that area.