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they are different seeds.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

Apple seeds are found inside the core of an apple and are primarily used for reproduction, whereas sunflower seeds are the edible fruit of the sunflower plant and are commonly consumed as a snack or used in cooking. Apple seeds contain a compound called amygdalin, which can release cyanide when metabolized, while sunflower seeds are safe for consumption.

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Vitamin C, Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B-6, Folate, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, etc.

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Sunflower seeds; these seeds are edible

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It is a blender recipe: apple, licorice, sunflower seeds I swear it is

How many sunflower seeds in 10kg?

The reason that sunflower seeds are usually sold by weight and not by count is because sunflower seeds do not have a uniform individual weight. One can only give a rough approximation. For example, assuming a 1 gram packet of American Giant sunflower seeds contains between 12 and 13 seeds on average, then a 10 kilogram packet would have between 120000 and 130000 seeds. Switching to a variety of sunflower seeds with smaller seeds, such as Velvet queen, you might get 30 to 35 seeds in a packet, thus averaging 300000 to 350000 seeds.

What important product can you get from the seeds of a sunflower?

you can get sunflower seeds

When were sunflower seeds invented?

They were never "invented". Sunflower seeds are just that, sunflower seeds. Seeds that contain the genetic makeup up sunflowers that will then germinate in the soil to become a sunflower which will make more sunflower seeds. The question "When did people begin eating sunflower seeds?" is another topic

Do sunflower seeds have iron?

Sunflower seeds are rich in iron. Two pounds of sunflower seeds contain about 21 milligrams of iron.