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You're asking a lot. You want to hunt one of the biggest and smallest birds with the same shotgun. So, you'll have to size it for the largest, right? I love my Remington 11-87 Special purpose in 12 ga. 3" mag. I shoot #2 lead 3" mags for turkey with a extra full turkey choke. Aim for the head and neck. If I was to go dove hunting I'd use #7 1/2 or #8 field loads in 2 3/4" and modified choke. You may have to change chokes depending on the range you 'd be shooting the doves. You're asking a lot. You want to hunt one of the biggest and smallest birds with the same shotgun. So, you'll have to size it for the largest, right? I love my Remington 11-87 Special purpose in 12 ga. 3" mag. I shoot #2 lead 3" mags for turkey with a extra full turkey choke. Aim for the head and neck. If I was to go dove hunting I'd use #7 1/2 or #8 field loads in 2 3/4" and modified choke. You may have to change chokes depending on the range you 'd be shooting the doves.

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9mo ago

One highly recommended semi-auto shotgun for both turkey and dove hunting is the Beretta A300 Outlander. It is reliable, durable, and offers good balance and handling. Another excellent option is the Remington V3, known for its smooth cycling and versatility in the field. Ultimately, the best choice will depend on personal preference and fit.

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What is the best weather for wild turkey hunting?

The best weather for wild turkey hunting is typically on calm and clear days with mild temperatures. Turkeys are more active and vocal when it's sunny and warm, making them easier to locate and call in. However, some hunters also find success on overcast days, as turkeys may be more inclined to move around when it is not too hot or bright.

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The cheetah is often considered the best pound-for-pound hunting animal because of its incredible speed and agility, allowing it to chase down prey with precision. Its combination of speed, maneuverability, and hunting tactics make it highly effective in catching prey.

What metric unit of measurement would best be used to measure the mass of a turkey?

grams or meters weight or length

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