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When a jar of water with dust and dirt has been stirred and then left undisturbed for a few days, the dust and dirt will settle to the bottom of the jar. Leaving in an undisturbed state will cause the water to separate from the heavy debris that settles on the bottom of the jar.

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Q: What happens when a jar of water with dust and dirt is stirred is left undisturbed for a few hours or days?
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When water molecules are stirred, they gain kinetic energy and move more rapidly. As a result, they collide and interact more frequently with each other, leading to the dispersion of any solutes in the water and a more homogeneous mixture.

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When sugar and glycerin are put into water and stirred, they will dissolve and form a homogeneous mixture. The sugar molecules will break down and disperse in the water, while the glycerin will dissolve and mix evenly with the water, creating a sweet and viscous solution.

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If you stirred water and sand together, you would have a mixture of water and sand until the sand sinks to the bottom.

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The sand will fall to the bottombecause it already went through eroison. The salt will dissolve until the solution saturates.

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What happens when you drop food colouring in room temperature water?

The food coloring will disperse and mix with the water, creating a uniformly colored solution. The rate at which this happens will depend on the concentration of the food coloring and how vigorously the water is stirred.

Why does water turn sweet when sugar is stirred in it?

When sugar is stirred into water, the sugar molecules dissolve in the water molecules. This creates a solution in which the sugar molecules are evenly distributed throughout the water. The presence of sugar in the water stimulates sweet taste receptors on the tongue, giving the sensation of sweetness.

What happen to the sugar when it put into cold water and stirred?

When sugar is put into cold water and stirred, it will dissolve. The sugar molecules will disperse and mix evenly with the water molecules to form a sugar solution.