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To answer someone who feels under the weather you should advise them to see a doctor if their symptoms persist for more than a few days, or if their symptoms worsen. In the meantime you should tell them to get plenty of rest.

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Q: What do you answer to someone who feels under weather?
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What is the meaning of under the weather?

If you say "I'm feeling a little under the weather today," it means that you are feeling a little bit sick or not feeling well....means "feeling sick".Someone who is under the weather doesn't feel well and/or has a mild illness, like the common cold for example.It means your not feeling well or having a hard timeIt depends:In the US, if some one is "under the weather," it means they are not feeling well or that they are ill.In British English speaking countries, it means the person is drunk or hungover.

When was Under the Weather created?

Under the Weather was created on 2005-12-05.

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Should it be do to you feeling under the weather or due to you feeling under the weather?

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