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Lysosomes are cell structures associated with the breakdown of harmful substances or substances that are no longer needed by the cell. They contain enzymes that help break down these materials for recycling or disposal.

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Q: What cells structures is associated with the breakdown of harmful substances or substances that are no longer needed by the cell?
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How can you stop the breakdown of the ozone layer?

To stop the breakdown of the ozone layer, we can reduce the use of substances that deplete it, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). Implementing regulations and treaties, like the Montreal Protocol, can also help in phasing out these harmful substances. Additionally, promoting the use of ozone-friendly alternatives in products and appliances can contribute to protecting the ozone layer.

What organelle removes harmful substances for a cell?

Lysosomes remove harmful substances for a cell. Lysosomes are found in eukaryotic cells

What are unwanted substances inside a cell packed into?

Unwanted substances inside a cell are typically packed into vesicles or organelles for processing, recycling, or disposal. These structures help maintain the cell's internal environment and prevent harmful molecules from interfering with normal cellular functions.

When poisonous or harmful substances are in the blood which are absorbed by?

The liver filters harmful substances from the blood and metabolizes them into less toxic compounds. The kidneys then filter these compounds out of the blood and excrete them in the urine. Additional detoxification processes can occur in the lungs, skin, and intestines before harmful substances are eliminated from the body.

What is the adding of harmful substances?

Adding harmful substances refers to the intentional inclusion of toxic, dangerous, or hazardous materials into a product, environment, or system. This can have negative consequences for human health, the environment, and can lead to legal consequences for those responsible. Preventing the addition of harmful substances is important for overall safety and well-being.

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Cell structures is not associated with the breakdown of harmful substances or substances that are no longer needed by the cell?

Mitochondria Lysomes, vacuoles, and peroxisomes play a role in the breakdown of substances that are no longer needed by the cell while the mitochondria does not. Mitochondria is used for the production of ATP.

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What are the tiny hair like structures that filter out harmful substances in the respiratory track?

These are called cilia.

What are the natural defenses that your body has against harmful substances and disease?

The body's natural defenses include the immune system, which uses specialized cells to identify and destroy harmful substances like viruses and bacteria. Other defenses include physical barriers like skin and mucous membranes, as well as enzymes that break down toxins and pathogens. Additionally, the body has inflammation responses that help to isolate and neutralize threats.

What are oxisomes?

Oxisomes are not a recognized organelle in cell biology. It seems you may be referring to peroxisomes, which are membrane-bound organelles involved in the breakdown of fatty acids and detoxification of harmful substances in cells.

The body's ability to fight off harmful substances?

ways of reducing intake of harmful substances

What harmful substances are in a E- cigerette?

There are no harmful substances in the E-cigarettes, however 'Nicotine' is still present.

What harmful effect is associated with the ozone hole in the upper atmosphere?

Ozone in upper atmosphere is not harmful. No harmful effects are associated with it.

What is a harmful reaction to substances called?

Did you mean: "What is a reaction to harmful substances called?" ? Allergy, infection, poisoning or death.

What organelle removes harmful substances for a cell?

Lysosomes remove harmful substances for a cell. Lysosomes are found in eukaryotic cells