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The animal lived a long time through two different ages.

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11y ago
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3w ago

The layers of rock containing the same type of fossil are likely the same age. This indicates that the rocks were formed at the same time and have not been disturbed or repositioned since then. This principle is known as the principle of faunal succession, which helps geologists correlate rock layers and determine their relative ages.

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14y ago

That they didn't evolve over the two periods and existed in both.

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13y ago

they are about the same age. otherwise they would be different fossils.

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13y ago

We may conclude that they were neighbors in both space and time.

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10y ago

It means that the two organisms probably lived around the same time period.

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Q: What can you say about the ages of two widely separated layers of rock that contain the same type type of fossil?
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Are Fossils used to correlate sedimentary rocks that are widely separated by using the rocks distinctive fossil content and applying the principle of fossil succession?

Yes, fossils can be used to correlate widely separated sedimentary rocks by comparing their distinctive fossil content and applying the principle of fossil succession, which states that older fossils in the rock layers are found at the bottom, and younger fossils are found in upper layers. By identifying similar fossil assemblages in rocks in different locations, geologists can establish a relative timeline of deposition and correlate the rocks.

What is an index fossil during the permian period?

An index fossil during the Permian period is a fossil that is widely distributed geographically and is limited to a specific narrow time range within the Permian period. Index fossils help geologists establish the age of rock layers and correlate them across different regions. A common index fossil from the Permian period is the fusulinid, which are single-celled marine organisms with intricate shell structures.

What are hydrocarbons and what are they widely used for?

Hydrocarbons are natural or artificial compounds that contain hydrogen-carbon bonds that can release energy when oxidized (mainly burned). Fossil fuels are organic hydrocarbons and are widely used to generate energy. Simpler inorganic hydrocarbons such as methane and ethane exist in substantial quantities on other planets and moons.

How is a index fossil like a key bed?

An index fossil is a particular fossil used to define and identify a particular time period in the geologic timescale. A key bed is a specific layer of rock or sediment that can be used as a marker for correlating rocks across different locations. Both are useful tools in stratigraphy for dating and correlating rock layers.

What is the tissue type that has fibers widely separated?

The tissue type that has fibers widely separated is loose connective tissue. It consists of loosely arranged collagen and elastic fibers with a gel-like ground substance. This tissue provides support and flexibility while allowing for diffusion of nutrients and waste products.

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Which characteristics of a fossil would you make it useful as an index fossil in determining the relative age of widely separated rock layers?

C). a narrow time range and a wide geographic range

Are Fossils used to correlate sedimentary rocks that are widely separated by using the rocks distinctive fossil content and applying the principle of fossil succession?

Yes, fossils can be used to correlate widely separated sedimentary rocks by comparing their distinctive fossil content and applying the principle of fossil succession, which states that older fossils in the rock layers are found at the bottom, and younger fossils are found in upper layers. By identifying similar fossil assemblages in rocks in different locations, geologists can establish a relative timeline of deposition and correlate the rocks.

Remains of plants or animals used to correlate rock layers over large geographic areas?

Index fossils are used to correlate rock layers over large geographic areas. These fossils are commonly found in distinct layers and can be used to determine the relative ages of rocks in different locations. By identifying the same index fossil in different rock layers, geologists can establish correlations between widely separated areas.

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migration across land bridges

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What fossil fern supported wegener's hypothesis of continental drift?

The presence of the fossil fern Glossopteris supported Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift. Glossopteris fossils were found on multiple continents that are now widely separated, indicating that these landmasses were once connected and later drifted apart.

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What is an index fossil during the permian period?

An index fossil during the Permian period is a fossil that is widely distributed geographically and is limited to a specific narrow time range within the Permian period. Index fossils help geologists establish the age of rock layers and correlate them across different regions. A common index fossil from the Permian period is the fusulinid, which are single-celled marine organisms with intricate shell structures.

What are hydrocarbons and what are they widely used for?

Hydrocarbons are natural or artificial compounds that contain hydrogen-carbon bonds that can release energy when oxidized (mainly burned). Fossil fuels are organic hydrocarbons and are widely used to generate energy. Simpler inorganic hydrocarbons such as methane and ethane exist in substantial quantities on other planets and moons.

How are rock layers used to determine the relative ages of fossils?

The Principle of Superposition argues that rock layers towards the top are younger than those at the bottom. This was the principal technique used in the early days.Fossils have discontinuities - a group will appear, and after a time will vanish again. But very similar fossils appear around the world at the same time.This subject paleontology, has good records, and a newly found fossil can usually be identified by comparison with the paleontological record.Today of course, radiometric dating is used very widely to determine the age of both rocks themselves, and of fossils. These techniques use the half-life of radioactive elements to determine the age.