The young of seals, dogs, armadillos, bats, beavers, dolphins, foxes, gerbils, guinea pigs, hedgehogs, moles, otters, prarie dogs, rats, coyotes, hamsters, mice, sharks, squirrels, walruses, and wolves are called pups.
A young Gopher is called a pup. Pups are born hairless and blind, and rely on their parents for care and protection until they are old enough to venture out on their own.
the name for a young/baby fox is a Kita male is a Reynard, Dog or Todand the female is a Vixenkit
Both male and female wolf offspring are called pups or puppies. It is a common misconception that they are called "cubs" but the correct term is pup. Cub is used for bears or big cats.
All types of cats. examples: ~ Kit Foxes ~ Domesticated Cats ~ Red Foxes or rats and bunnies
Baby foxes, rabbits, and beavers are often referred to as kits. It is a term commonly used to describe the offspring of these animals.
A baby shark is called a pup
a baby shark is called a pup
a baby gorilla is called a pup
a baby seal is called a pup
Mole babies are called pups.
A baby sting-ray is called a pup.
A young coyote is called a pup or whelp Baby coyotes are called Pups
A baby bulldog is called a pup.
a baby shark is called a pup
baby sloth
A baby wolf is called either a wolf cub or a wolf pup
A baby Dingo is called a Pup.