Baby foxes, rabbits, and beavers are often referred to as kits. It is a term commonly used to describe the offspring of these animals.
No, a baby rabbit is called a kit or a kitten, not a Simon. The name Simon is a proper name and is not typically used to refer to baby rabbits.
When a duck is a baby, it is called a duckling.
The young of seals, dogs, armadillos, bats, beavers, dolphins, foxes, gerbils, guinea pigs, hedgehogs, moles, otters, prarie dogs, rats, coyotes, hamsters, mice, sharks, squirrels, walruses, and wolves are called pups.
A baby cub typically measures around 1 to 1.5 feet in length and stands about 8-12 inches tall at birth.
Young rats, cats, rabbits, squirrels, skunks, hedgehogs & beavers, their young are called kittens.
How about Kittens. And baby goats which are called Kids.
Cats (adult kittens) Tigers (VERY large cats) Any young animals (baby animals)
Baby ocelots are commonly known as "ocelot kittens."
cubs or kittens
Many baby rodents are called kittens.
Baby beavers are often referred to as kittens as well as hedgehogs, squirrels and several other small animals.
No, baby cats are called kittens.
No. Baby koalas are called joeys.
A baby squirrel is called a kitten.
Cubs or kittens.