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Two sugars connected together are called disaccharides.

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Q: What are two simple sugars connected call?
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What are two simple sugars?

glucose, maltose, fructose

Summarize the differences between simple sugars double sugars and complex sugars?

Simple sugars are composed of one or two sugar molecules, such as glucose and fructose. Double sugars, or disaccharides, are composed of two sugar molecules, like sucrose and lactose. Complex sugars, or polysaccharides, are made up of many sugar molecules linked together, such as starch and fiber.

What molecules are formed when two simple sugars are linked?

water and a disaccharide

What is composed of two simple sugars?

A disaccharide is composed of two simple sugars joined together by a glycosidic bond. Examples include sucrose (glucose + fructose), lactose (glucose + galactose), and maltose (glucose + glucose).

What are the two Subgroups for carbohydrates?

Carbohydrate type molecules can be divided into two chief sub-classifications. These are simple and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are sugars, and complex can be healthy starches as found in vegetables.

What is the definition of carbohydtrate?

Carbohydrates can be defined as any of a group of multiple simple sugars. In more scientific terms, it could be said that carbohydrates are polymers of simple sugars, which are monomers. Another name for "carbohydrate" is a polysaccharide, making sugars a monosaccharide. Disaccharides are groups of two simple sugars. Common carbohydrates are cellulose, starch, glucose, etc.

What is a monomer for disaccharide?

The monomers for disaccharides are monosaccharides, which are simple sugars such as glucose, fructose, and galactose. When two monosaccharides bond together through a condensation reaction, they form a disaccharide.

Two types of carbohydrates are?

The two types of carbohydrates are simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are referred to as fast-acting carbohydrates. Sugars are considered simple carbohydrates. Starches are considered complex carbohydrates.

Which type of verb is required when two simple singular subjects are connected by the word or?

When two simple singular subjects are connected by the word "or," the verb should agree with the subject that is closest to it.

How many simple sugars are joined together in a trisaccharide?

Three simple sugars are joined together in a trisaccharide.

What compounds with more than two simple sugars joined together?

they are polysaccharides they are polysaccharides they are polysaccharides

What is maltodextrin made of?

It is a polymer of the two simple sugars maltose and dextrose. It is thus a complex carbohydrate.