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Pauline Nakiyingi

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Kataza Moses

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Q: What are the similarities between a map and a picture?
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What is the similarities between a map and model?

The similarities between a map and model is they both represent something real and they both help you understand something.

Two similaries between a picture and a map?


Write difference between amap and a picture?

A map displays an area, while a picture can display anything.

What is the difference between a map and a picture?

difference between map and picture

What are the similarities of map keys and map scales?

their the same thing

What are the similarities between maps and pictures?

Map can show you the location why pictures can help you to identify the location that you are you are looking for

When you picture a place in your mindwhat kind of map are you making?

when you picture a place in your mind, what kind of map are you making

Is a map a picture an object or representation?

A map can be a picture, an object or a representation all at once. A map can be considered a picture of an object that is used to represent an area on the globe.

What are the similarities between map and a globe?

Depending on if the map is a global one, they both show the world on them. They show major and capital cities of countries and where they are. Continents and oceans, too ...

What is the difference between photo scale and map scale?

A map is a draft or something that has locations and a photgraph is a picture that some one takes of something or someone.

What is the difference between a map key and symbols?

Symbols are small, well, symbols that are ON the map. The Key is off to the side, and tells you what the symbols mean.

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