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both are drawings

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Q: How is a map similar to a picture?
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When you picture a place in your mindwhat kind of map are you making?

when you picture a place in your mind, what kind of map are you making

Is a map a picture an object or representation?

A map can be a picture, an object or a representation all at once. A map can be considered a picture of an object that is used to represent an area on the globe.

A picture in a map key that represents an object?

A picture in a map key that represents an object is a symbol. Maps use keys to explain the meaning of each symbol on the map.

What is a drawing of a place on a map?


The map of legazpi 's and the picture of the Map?

u can go to google and print out the map that u need

What's the best site to download a world map picture from?

One of the best sites to download a world map picture from would have to be from freeworldmaps. This website allows for downloading of a free world map.

What is a mental map?

A map of the environment within the mind of an individual which reflects the knowledge and prejudices of that individual.internal picture of the space that you know.internal picture of the space that you know.

In which labeled section of the map is this building the president lives?

You didn't include the picture of the map.

Do you have a picture of a map of the whole world?

I'm unable to display images. However, you can easily find a map of the world by searching for "world map" on any search engine or by checking map websites such as Google Maps or MapQuest.

Write difference between amap and a picture?

A map displays an area, while a picture can display anything.

What is the difference between a map and a picture?

difference between map and picture

What is the difference between linkage map and karyotype?

A linkage map shows the relative positions of genes on a chromosome based on how often they are inherited together, while a karyotype is a visual representation of an individual's complete set of chromosomes arranged by size, shape, and banding pattern. Linkage maps focus on genetic distances between genes, whereas karyotypes show the overall chromosomal structure of an organism.