Homologous organs have similar embryonic origin and basic structure whereas Analogous organs have different embryonic origin and basic structure. Homologous organs may look different and may perform different function; e.g., forelimb of a man and flipper of a whale. Whereas Analogous organs look alike and perform same functions; e.g., Wings of birds and insects.
Homologous organs are similar in structure and origin but may differ in function, whereas analogous organs have similar functions but different origins and structures. Homologous organs suggest a common evolutionary ancestry, while analogous organs are a result of convergent evolution.
An organism is a single living entity, while an organ system is a group of organs that work together to perform a specific function within an organism. Organisms can be plants, animals, fungi, or microorganisms, while organ systems are found in multicellular organisms.
An example of a homologous structure that is greatly reduced in size is the pelvic bone in whales. These bones are remnants of hind limbs found in their land-dwelling ancestors, which have evolved to be much smaller and non-functional in whales due to their adaptation to an aquatic lifestyle.
An organ is a collection of cells that perform a function (liver, skin, muscles) whereas an organelle is something INSIDE a cell which performs a function for the cell (ribosome, mitochondria)
One key difference is that neurons are specialized cells of the nervous system that can transmit electrical and chemical signals, while cells from other organ systems have different functions based on their location and characteristics. Neurons have long extensions called axons and dendrites that help in signal transmission, which is unique to them compared to cells from other organ systems.
The relationship between an organ and organ systems are similar to a teammate relationship. An organ system is made up of organs.
Homologous organs have similar looking structure and similar origin but different functions . Whereas analogous is just the opposite analogous organs are those that have similar function but different origin and structure
the difference is ,a structure is where it is placed and the function is what it daos
the difference is ,a structure is where it is placed and the function is what it daos
the difference is ,a structure is where it is placed and the function is what it daos
An organ sytem includes tissues.
Organism has a 'ism' on the end but organ doesn't
Organism has a 'ism' on the end but organ doesn't
because i hate it
the ovaries
An organ is part of a system. e.g. the heart is part of the circulatory system
by their homologous organ sturcture