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Homologous organs have similar looking structure and similar origin but different functions . Whereas analogous is just the opposite

analogous organs are those that have similar function but different origin and structure

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Q: What is homologous organs and analogous organ?
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What are the difference between homologous organ and analogous organ?

Homologous organs have similar embryonic origin and basic structure whereas Analogous organs have different embryonic origin and basic structure. Homologous organs may look different and may perform different function; e.g., forelimb of a man and flipper of a whale. Whereas Analogous organs look alike and perform same functions; e.g., Wings of birds and insects.

Analogous and homologous?

1. HOMOLOGOUS ( morphological and anatomical evidences ) .These are the organs that have same basic structural plan and origin but different functions. 2. ANALOGOUS These are the organs that have different origin and structure plan but same function

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An analogous organ is a structure in different species that serves the same function but does not share a common evolutionary origin. For example, the wings of birds and insects are analogous organs as they both serve the function of flight but evolved independently.

Is nail of a man and claw of cat homologous organ?

Yes, the nails of a man and claw of a cat are homologous organs with similar structure but performs functions differently.

Are the wings of birds and the wings of bats homologous or analogous structures?

They are both. They are homologous because they are both examples of a vertebrate forelimb. They are analogous because they were adapted for flight independently of one another.

Birds and bees have wings are their wings homologous features or analogous features?

Analogous Features.

Structures that have similar structure and function but different evolutionary origins are called?

It is either homologous structures or homozygous structures. Embryological structures are when different species of animals look similar in the earliest stage of development and Analogous structures are when animals look different but their function is basically the same. So just look up homologous structures and homozygous structures in your Bio book!!

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pickles :3