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There is a significant contribution of chemistry to other science nutrition and psychology. Chemistry will explain the various reactions and chemical ingredients that are used in any form of science.

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6d ago

Chemistry contributes to the field of medicine by helping to develop drugs and understand their interactions within the body. In nursing, chemistry plays a role in understanding pharmacology and how medications work. In nutrition, it is essential for understanding the composition of foods and their effects on the body. In psychology, chemistry helps explain the biological basis of behavior and mental processes.

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12y ago

Chemistry is closely linked to the fields of medicine and nursing. In order to create medicines that function as they are supposed to, chemistry is used to manipulate molecules so that they react with the correct parts of the body. Having a complete understanding of chemistry is vital for members of the medical community, as they must understand the chemical reactions that occur within the body both naturally, and when medicine is added.

Chemistry and nutrition are also closely linked, as nutritional chemistry provides the understanding of how the body processes and manipulates the food it takes in. Chemical reactions are also responsible for all of the steps of the digestion process.

Lastly, chemistry and psychology are connected not only through psychiatric drugs, but also through the understanding of the human brain. It is impossible for anyone in the field of psychology to practice, if they do not have a thorough understanding of the chemical reactions that occur in the brain and how they effect human behavior.

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11y ago

In nursing a knowledge of chemistry can help in routine jobs such as carrying out urinalysis tests, blood tests, wound healing.

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Is Anton Lavoisier the father of nutrition?

Antoine Lavoisier is not considered the father of nutrition. He is known as the "Father of Modern Chemistry" for his contributions to the field of chemistry, particularly in establishing the law of conservation of mass. The field of nutrition has been influenced by various scientists and researchers over the years.

What are the contributions of chemistry to nutrition?

Nutrition is defined as the process of intake of nutrients and its utilization by an organism for various metabolic activities. Without chemistry, we cannot understand the concept of nutrients because nutrients are of two types i.e. organic (like - CO2 & H2O) and inorganic (Carbbohydrates,proteins,fats).

Why is chemistry important to the field of nutrition?

Chemistry is important in nutrition because it helps us understand the chemical composition of food, how nutrients are digested and absorbed by the body, and how different nutrients interact with each other. This knowledge is essential for determining the nutritional value of foods, creating balanced diets, and understanding how certain foods can impact health and disease.

Why did Artturi Ilmari Virtanen win The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1945?

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1945 was awarded to Artturi Virtanen for his research and inventions in agricultural and nutrition chemistry, especially for his fodder preservation method.

What was the importance of chemistry in health?

Biochemistry is the basis of life on Earth; everything that happens in a human body involves various chemicals and chemical reactions. Chemistry therefore is very relevant to health care. It illuminates such concerns as nutrition, toxicity, genetic illness, medication, etc.

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What contributions of chemistry to other sciences like medicine nursing nutrition and psychology?

Chemistry contributes to medicine by understanding drug interactions and developing new pharmaceutical compounds. In nursing, chemistry helps in understanding the chemical composition of drugs and their effects on the body. In nutrition, chemistry is important for understanding the composition of nutrients in food and how they are metabolized by the body. In psychology, chemistry plays a role in studying the brain's chemistry and its impact on mental health.

What are the contributions of chemistry to other like medicine nursing and nutrition?

a site contribution of chemistry in the other sciences like medicine,nursing,nutrition,psycology and agriculture ?

What classes do I need to take to become a nurse?

Classroom instruction in courses such as: Basic Nutrition Chemistry Psychology Human Anatomy (structure of the body) Physiology (how the body functions) Human Development Microbiology (germs) Nursing Science Pharmacology (drugs and medicines) Communication

Is Anton Lavoisier the father of nutrition?

Antoine Lavoisier is not considered the father of nutrition. He is known as the "Father of Modern Chemistry" for his contributions to the field of chemistry, particularly in establishing the law of conservation of mass. The field of nutrition has been influenced by various scientists and researchers over the years.

What are the contributions of chemistry to nutrition?

Nutrition is defined as the process of intake of nutrients and its utilization by an organism for various metabolic activities. Without chemistry, we cannot understand the concept of nutrients because nutrients are of two types i.e. organic (like - CO2 & H2O) and inorganic (Carbbohydrates,proteins,fats).

What has the author Kenneth Lansdale Robinson written?

Kenneth Lansdale Robinson has written: 'Contributions to agricultural science in the field of applied chemistry (mainly animal nutrition)'

What are the branches of food science?

Chemistry, Biology, Engineering & Nutrition are the branches of food science.

What has the author Viola Maria Bell written?

Viola Maria Bell has written: 'Chemistry used in foods and nutrition courses' -- subject(s): Food, Nutrition, Chemistry, Study and teaching, Analysis

What has the author J Adrian written?

J. Adrian has written: 'Dictionary of food and nutrition' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, Animal nutrition, Food, Biological chemistry, Nutrition

How does science relate to Burger King?

Food technology, nutrition, psychology, business and marketing.

Can nutrition and diet effect an individual's mental health?

Chemistry effects mental health. Diet & nutrition are chemicals. Eat healthy foods and improve your brain chemistry. That will enhance the ability of your brain to improve your mental health.

Why is chemistry important to the field of nutrition?

Chemistry is important in nutrition because it helps us understand the chemical composition of food, how nutrients are digested and absorbed by the body, and how different nutrients interact with each other. This knowledge is essential for determining the nutritional value of foods, creating balanced diets, and understanding how certain foods can impact health and disease.