Jupiter has a small moon called Cyllene, about 2 km accross.
Saturn has one called Calypso.
Uranus a small moon called Cordelia and another called Cupid.
Perhaps the most well known moon begining with `C` is Charon, a moon of the dwarf planet Pluto.
Crataegus is a bush
Physical features of the world that start with the letter c:canalcanyoncapecavechannelcliffcoastcontinental shelfcoral reefcovecreek
Metal elements that begin with the letter C include copper (metal), cesium (metal), and cadmium (metal). Carbon is a nonmetal, while cesium and cadmium are metals. There are no metalloids that begin with the letter C.
Carnivals and circuses fit into the category of traveling shows. They begin with the letter C.
Calf, capillary, cartilage, cells, cheek, cheekbone, chest, chin, chromosome, circulatory system, clavicle, collarbone, colon, cornea, cranium, crotch and cuspid tooth are body parts. They begin with the letter c.
There are no pronouns in the English language that begin with the letter c.
Some words that rhyme with surprise and begin with the letter C are: comprise, reprise, and apprise.
Summer can be calm, carefree, clear, cloudy or colorful. They begin with the letter c.
Cheetos and candy are unhealthy foods. They begin with the letter c.
Feelings that start with the letter c:cheerfulcautiouscockycompassionateconcernedconfidentconfusedcourageouscowardlycrankycuriouscynic
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