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Q: What are some vegetables that begin with letter C?
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Are there any vegetables or fruit that begin with the letter c?

Veg: Carrots, Corn,

What are some vegetables that begin with the letter C?

Vegetables that begin with C:CabbageCaiguaCalabrese BroccoliCamasCannaCantelopeCape GooseberryCapsicumCarrotCassavaCatsearCauliflowerCayenne PepperCeleriacCeleryCeltuceCeylon SpinachChardChayoteChickpeaChicoryChili PepperChinese ArtichokeChinese CabbageChinese MallowChinese RadishChrysanthemumCippollini OnionsCollard GreensCornCos Lettuce (romaine lettuce)CourgetteCressCucumberCumincabbage chivescelerycarrotscucumber

What are some pronouns that begin with the letter C?

There are no pronouns in the English language that begin with the letter c.

What are some words that rhyme with surprise that begin with the letter C?

Some words that rhyme with surprise and begin with the letter C are: comprise, reprise, and apprise.

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What are some beers that begin with the letter C?


What are some adjectives that describe summer and begin with the letter C?

Summer can be calm, carefree, clear, cloudy or colorful. They begin with the letter c.

What are some unhealthy foods that begin with the letter C?

Cheetos and candy are unhealthy foods. They begin with the letter c.

What are some feelings that begin with the letter C?

Feelings that start with the letter c:cheerfulcautiouscockycompassionateconcernedconfidentconfusedcourageouscowardlycrankycuriouscynic

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What are some charities that begin with the letter C?

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