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the moon controls it

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Q: What are facts on high and low tides?
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What are two high tides and two low tides a day called?

Two high tides and two low tides a day are referred to as a semidiurnal tide pattern. This pattern consists of two high tides and two low tides of approximately equal height each day.

How high is the high tides and how low is the low tides?

Fifteen thousand feet.

Why do seamen consider high and low tides in their journey?

They consider high and low tides in their journey because if it is high tide the water level will be high but if it is low tides the water level is low.

Which happens more high or low tides?

Low tides

What is it called when high tides are higher and low tides are lower than normal?

High tides. The others are called low tides.

Why are high and low tides in two consecutive days?

Actually, there are TWO high tides and TWO low tides, on almost every day.

What are between high and low tides?

medium tides

What are extreme tides called?

Extra high tides are called spring tides and extra low tides are called neap tides ********************************************* Spring high tide is a tide that is very high and reaches high up the beach. Spring low tide is a tide that is very low and goes far down the beach. Neap tides are the high and low water tides that range over the beach between the Spring tide marks.

Do high tides occur less often than low tides as often as low tides or more often than low tides?


What is a high and low tide?

high tides are high water level they are called spring tides and low tides are low water level they are called neap tides. high tides and low tides occur when the sun, earth and the moon are inline. during new moon there are high tides at west and east and low tides at north and west, because the direction which the moon is facing that direction will have a high tide.

How are low tides different from High tides?

In high tides areas, the water level is higher the average sea level. In areas between high tides, low tides from. In low tide areas, the water level is lower than average sea level.

When low tides and high tides occur simultaneously?

High tide nimo